Structural steel is the most widely used materials to develop the buildings because of some of its design compatible features. Structural steel offers optimum flexibility to the buildings and can be molded into any shape in coordination with the concrete materials.
A drafter or a designer needs to keep in mind some of the aspects before attempting to develop the plating and Structural Steel Drawing Services.
These aspects are as follows:
The internal and external loads on the completed design.
The size and the location of the different structural members.
A comprehensive layout of the design, depicting all the working points.
Details of the floor elevations.
Standard codes relating to the structural steel drawing.
A comprehensive structural steel drawing includes various essential datas such as the size and the length of the welds, the size and the length of the bolts, dimensions and angles of the plates, and the locations of the work points. The different software tools used for plating and structural steel drawing are AutoCAD, Bentley, Advance Steel, Tekla Structures and Micro-station etc.
The various benefits that the CAD software offers in the plating and structural steel drawing process are:
Easy modification of the drawings at any stage.
Access to user friendly documentation procedures.
Ability to change scales within the drawings.
Easy sharing of the drawings by different users at a single time.
Automation of the parts insertion process and various other related processes.
With the help of the advanced computer aided design tools of the software, it is being possible to develop the structural steel drawings for a wide range of project areas such as the residential and commercial buildings, large campuses and factories, power generation settings, waste water systems, water storage systems, manufacturing plants, flyovers, stadiums and tunnels etc. The software tools implement the concept of building information modeling, which helps the drafters and designers to develop drawings which can effectively be converted into photorealistic visualizations of the whole structural project.