How To Create Final Deck Drawings

Once all of the decisions have been made regarding the deck site, substructure, decking, stairs and railings, a homeowner is finally ready to put the ideas on paper and transform them into a workable design. Before beginning gather as much information as possible about deck design and final deck drawings. Visit the local building department in advance of planning your deck in order to obtain information and printed guidelines and sample plan drawings which are generally free and readily available to homeowners.

The sample plans will provide a good example of what will be needed in order to produce a set of drawing plans that will be submitted to the local building department for examination and consideration. After reviewing these drawings as well as the site plan building department staff will either issue a deck building permit or require that one or more changes be made.

The final drawings required generally include 4 types:
1. A site plan drawing – This is a plan of the house and the property surrounding it. It will also include the overall configuration of the proposed deck. If it is possible to locate house plans, plat plans, deed maps or contour plans to property that show the actual dimensions and orientation of the property, it can save considerable time. These may be available at the local city hall, regional office, title company, bank, mortagage company or through a former owner.

The idea is to use personal observations about the site to produce a clear and easy to understand visual document containing neat and concise entries. Outline the property accurately and to scale and mark its dimensions on the site plan indicating any required setback allowances from the lot lines. Note also the relation of the street to the house.

Show the house precisely and to scale within the property noting all exterior doors and all overhangs. Map the location of outdoor water sources showing the locations of all underground lines including the sewage line and septic tank. If the deed map shows any easements note them on the site plan. Mark the location of all downspouts, drainage tiles, drainpipes or catch basins. Note also the direction of drainage in relation to the house and property. Include any established plantings to be retained, walls, fences, walkways, steps and existing paved areas.

2. A Plan Drawing – These drawings show the deck framing from above. For these drawings it is common that railings and decking are not included. A plan drawing would include an accurate dimensional drawing of the deck perimeter clearly showing the design shape of its one or more levels. Footings and post locations would be clearly indicated relative to each other and the house. The placement of all beams and joists would be included so that the framing structure can be easily seen and evaluated in relation to local building codes.

Lumber dimensions for posts, beams, joists and facing boards are an important inclusion in this portion of the plan drawing. It is essential for safety sake that lumber dimensions and types of wood meet the minimum requirements set out by building construction regulations. There must be a clear indication in some manner of the dimensional size and direction of the decking to be used in the construction of the deck. This does not necessarily mean that it has to be drawn. A printed or written note on the plan drawing will suffice to enable building department staff to know what is planned in this area.

Details must be included that show the kinds of hardware to be used in the construction of the deck. These items range from nails, screws, bolts and other fasteners to framing connectors such as joist hangers, post anchors and post caps. The exact locations of doors and windows must be clearly indicated as should any electrical and plumbing fixtures along with their supply lines.

3. Elevation Drawing – These drawings show the deck in cross-section from the side. There should be a seperate elevation drawing for the railing system including all the dimensions that relate to local building codes. Another elevation drawing would illustate views of the concrete footings showing their depth and width or diameter. The height of support posts, types and sizes of hardware and indications of the property’s slope would all be included in some manner in one or more elevation drawings.

4. Detail Drawing – Complicated parts of any deck require detail drawings in order to satisfy local building departments and the codes that are regulated by them. A detail drawing would clearly show where the stair railing meets the deck railing. Framing around trees, hot tubs and water features would necessitate the creation of detail drawings. Hatchways for access to electrical and plumbing would require detail drawings as would changes in deck level and special extra framing under portable hot tubs placed on decks.

Once these drawings have been completed, make several copies of each as the building department may require more than one of each. Retain a copy of each final drawing for reference later on, especially if the building department requires changes to be made. All that remains is to head down to the building department, submit the final deck drawings and wait for approval and the issuing of a deck building permit.

Get Paid To Draw 5 Top Secrets Of Making Money With Drawing

Have been wondering how you can make money from home? Have you been struggling with financial and need urgent money. Do you know how to draw or do you have camera at home that you can use to take nice pictures? Then you have to get a copy of get paid to draw and started making money online.

Get paid to draw is a great website that consists of many webmasters who are ready to buy your pictures or drawing. Your drawing to have to be great because people thinks they have to create a great pictures before they can make money with get paid to draw. Thats not true because there are so many people out there who are making serious money with their little drawing.

You have to give it a try to know that it is very easy to make money online with get paid to draw. Let see the 5 things you will need to make money with get paid to draw.

1. Digital Camera: Do you have a digital camera and still saying you dont have money or youre not making money. You see the digital camera or camera phone in your hand can be making incredible money for you. All you have to do is to take some nice and clear pictures with your camera and go straight to the webmasters that will buy it from you. Some will not buy and be paying some small amount of money to download it. Thats very cool; I like that because you can make more money than selling it.

2. Drawing: Do you know how to use simple application like paint, Photoshop to create simple drawing and make cool money online! Yes guaranteed. You could be making huge amount of money with your drawing. If you can paint great color and create good drawing then, you dont need to worry about money again. I have personally sold by drawing with get paid draw guidance and tutorial for $10,000 in single day.

3. Computer: You need computer to be able to make money online. You are going to upload or transfer any pictures you have on your camera to the computer first. And if you can draw very well, you will need computer that work.

4. Internet Access: You will need access to internet to be able to submit your work to the merchants that will pay you. Let me ask you that have you ever sit down ask yourself that where are the beautiful pictures youre seen online coming from, I never knew it was a great business not until I got contacted with get paid to draw website. There are millions of webmasters that want to create website and they need pictures and drawing on their site to attract visitor to their site.

5. Where to sell your pictures: when you create your drawing and pictures where are you going to sell it to make huge money, I was to confused about this but a friend of mine told me that I can get thousands of buyers in a day if I can go to this website get paid to draw .

Making money online is not that difficult if you see someone that can help you and give you the right information. For more tips on how you can make huge amount of money with your simple drawing go to

Painting And Drawing Secrets Review By Alfred Daniels

According to the publisher of Painting and Drawing Secrets: Recently a manuscript by highly acclaimed artist Alfred Daniels, has been re-discovered. Daniels work is the secret resource many top artists used to perfect their drawing and painting with oils and watercolors.

It is the quickest and easiest way to learn painting and drawing. Inside this standout work youll get nearly 60 illustrations and plates, as well as 197 pages jam-packed with nitty-gritty information, tips and techniques to get you drawing and painting in no time. In fact, absolutely everything any artist would need

Who Will Benefit Most From This Drawing and Painting Course?

Beginners who have never painted before through intermediate students.

About The Instructor Alfred Daniels

According to the website : Alfred Daniels, native of London, England, is a prolific artist whose paintings have been compared to the great American artist Ben Shahn His award winning murals at Hammersmith Town Hall depicting life on the Thames are regarded as a modern day classic.

Mr. Daniels studied at the Royal College of Art in London in the early 1940s. He was elected a member of the Royal Watercolour Society in 1973, the Royal Society of British Artists in 1983 and elected Keeper of The Royal Society in 1991.

The Physical Parts

There are no physical parts to this course. Instead it is downloaded as a series of PDF files to your computer from the internet. The ebook files can either be read directly on your computer screen or they can be printed and read from hardcopies.

A Partial List Of The Lessons – 197 Pages

In the Beginning, Water Color Painting, Sketching Outdoors, Oil Painting, Picture Making, Framing, Some Further Fields of Study

The Negatives

EBooks, like this course, can be uncomfortable to read from a computer or time consuming and inconvenient to print out and read conventionally.

The written word alone is not always the most effective way to learn such an intensely visual subject. Video lessons from DVDs are a much more efficient way to learn to paint and draw. There is nothing clearer than listening to an instructor talk about a technique followed by a live demonstration.

Even though Drawing and Painting Secrets offers 60 illustrations it could benefit from even more.

The Positives

For aspiring artists that just cant wait to get this course in hand, it can be purchased and downloaded to your computer in about 10 minutes, (assuming a high speed broadband internet connection).

You will be receiving lessons from a recognized, award winning, professional artist that otherwise would not be available if it were not for this book.

There are many insights and tips from Mr. Daniels that are just not available anywhere else.

The course is extremely logical, organized and thorough in the way it presents the material.

The Bottom Line

My first thought about Drawing and Painting Secrets was that it covers drawing plus painting with watercolors and oils, so it must be too broad to offer enough depth. But, in reality, it is surprisingly detailed and thorough.

Modern art master, Alfred Daniels, has a very clear, personal and enjoyable style to his writing that makes each lesson easy to understand. He offers lots of tiny, valuable tips without becoming too rigid with imposing rules. He even states in the first chapter that youll break all of the rules eventually anyway. He is quick to enlighten the student with his many opinions and philosophies, yet always identifying them as such in a most humble way.

Mr. Daniels book makes an excellent resource for any artist. If you could only afford one lesson course I would definitely choose a program like the Learn and Master Painting videos because of the obvious rich benefits of actually being able to see the instructor in action. However, most students would still be wise to include Drawing and Painting Secrets as a part of their total collection of educational art resources.

How To Attract Wealth With Money Drawing Spell

Magic or spell casting is an all too important part of paganism. And those with empty pockets and purses and open minds might try out a few pagan Money Drawing Spells in boiling cauldrons to increase the chances of winning a million dollar jackpot. Let me enlighten you with a few more important facts regarding Money Drawing Spell.

You have to understand that it is actually all determined by the elements. According to pagan pantheons, the different elements stand for or control various specific intentions. For e.g. financial growth, money matters, real estate, material wealth and worldly prosperity are governed and influenced by the element earth.

Since it is a Money Drawing Spell you are after, you need to use earthly correspondences in the form of days of the week, colors, stones and herbs in your spell.

Items required in a Money Drawing Spell

You should choose Sunday and Thursday for days of the week.

Orange and green should be your ideal colors.

Some of the herbs you require for your spell are mint, ginger, dill, cedar, almond, patchouli, mugwort and honeysuckle.

Amongst crystals and stones you need onyx, peridot and moss agate, jade, aventurine and amber.

These are directly related to increasing the cash flow in your life. Along with these, you also need to consider the lunar influence. Since it is a Money Drawing Spell you want to perform, it is best to perform it during the phase of a new moon. Money spells have to be performed directly under the moonlight, so that your rites and rituals receive that much needed boost.

You can either chant rhymes written by other people or magicians or you may chant your own creative verse. Simple rhymes often do the trick – “money money in my hand,/double, triple, as fast as you can”.

But the real magic lies in you. The basic purpose of these ritualistic practices is to harness all your positive energy and focus it on what you want the most – in this case, earning money. So focus your energies, put 200% effort into your spells and ensure that your getting money doesn’t put someone else into trouble or harm. Send out positive vibes so as to prevent your Money Drawing Spell from backfiring.

A Money Drawing Spell won’t gift you a billion dollar jackpot or won’t make you win $50 million lottery. But it can certainly ensure or facilitate the receipt of a decent monetary gift or jewelry or real estate from a dead grandpa’s will or you may find a $50 dollar bill lying on the sidewalk.

Or you may get rich dividends from a mutual fund or pension scheme in which you had invested money rather unwisely. This is the most a Money Drawing Spell can do.

Drawing A Faces – Mistakes To Avoid

Now that you”ve learn how to draw the individual features of the face, I”d like to give you some general tips and advice on how to draw a face in order to save you some time and frustration.
These are common mistakes that I”ve made myself or have seen other people make, so if you find yourself making them too, don”t feel bad. Just correct it and move on.
Here we go:
Common Drawing Mistakes #1: Not Keeping the Entire Picture in Mind
I really struggled with this one when I was starting out. I would look at the model picture and begin drawing right away starting with the eyes and ignoring the rest of the picture.
The problem with this is that soon the proportion of my drawing became out of wack. My nose would be to big or my lips would be to long.
And worse, I would find myself running out of paper before the drawing is even complete.
This is because I did not plan ahead. Don”t make the same mistake. Before you start drawing take a look at the whole picture and try to plan out where everything is going to go on your drawing paper.
Make some light markings or rough shapes to help you keep everything in place. This will also make it much easier for you to get your proportions right.
Common Drawing Mistake #2: Being Frozen by Fear
There”s nothing worse than staring at an intimidating blank piece of drawing paper and not know where to start. Or you might be so scared of making mistakes, wanting your drawing to be perfect, that you erase every stroke as soon as you make them.
We”ve all been there and it sucks. It”s a waste of time. It”s frustrating. And worse, it makes drawing not fun!
So here”s my advice. Before you start drawing, warm yourself up by doodling on a piece of scratch paper. Then try to make a quick sketch of whatever it is that you want to draw. Just let yourself go, be crazy, and don”t worry about making mistakes.
You”ll find that after making this rough sketch, you”ll have a much easier time drawing it and you”ll have more fun too!
Common Drawing Mistake #3: Relying on Photographs and Not Drawing From Real Life
I was guilty of this too. I just thought, “Why bother drawing from real life, it”s just the same as a photo anyway.”
But it”s not. Real life subject gives you so much more to work with in terms of lighting, angle, perspective, and so much more.
It was when I started to start drawing from real life that I saw a big improvement in my drawing skill. So if you haven”t try it already, pick a real life subject and try drawing it. It”ll probably be kinda bad, but hey, it”ll be a start. And you”re just going to get better and better.