How To Compose A Drawing — Theuer Method

Before you think about composition, focus on your subject, Find an aspect of it that you like. Maybe you like the look of an entire table or just the knotted grain. Whatever your focus, be sure to place that prominently on your paper. And then imagine your 2D object has weight like its 3D counterpart does in reality. And imagine that color and shadow have weight too. White space is weightless.

Compositions can be unbalanced. For example, if you drew a table in the bottom left corner of a piece of paper, its weight would appear to drag that corner down. If you then stuck a pin in the center of this drawing and stuck it to the wall, the table would pull on the paper so much the paper would spin and wind up pointing table down. And then if you spun the paper like a pinwheel, it would wobble.
Unbalanced compositions are used to express good and bad strong feelings. Your table, for example, looks lonely.

Compositions can be balanced. For example, if you added an equal amount of shading to the top right of your drawing from the previous example, your drawing would appear to even out. You could also add object(s). If you then spun your drawing on a pin like above, it would spin evenly and even wind up level when it stopped spinning.
Balanced compositions are used to express comfortable feelings. Now your table looks more at home.

EXERCISE – Look at a group of objects like leaves on a tree or bricks in a wall, in real life or in a photo. Focus on only a few of the objects that catch your eye, ones that you like. Draw them prominently on your paper in either a balanced or an unbalanced composition. Try following the shading rules described in my “shading” lesson.

Car Drawing Tutorial Learn 3d Car Drawing

Learning how to draw cars from an online car drawing tutorial is becoming more popular day after day. There are a growing number of people who wants to learn 3d car drawing. I decided to bring together some of the most popular websites to help you learn how to draw cars easily. You will find information on some of the best sites below:

Tutorial #1: How to Draw Cars Fast and Easy eBook
This step by step car drawing tutorial is the best resource available online. I highly recommend this downloadable tutorial to the enthusiast who truly want to learn how to draw cars like a pro. This invaluable resource will save you huge time and money and guarantees that you learn.

You can get it for a small one time fee and get access to some invaluable bonus books and other car drawing resources which are available to the professional car designers for free.

Tutorial #2: How To Render Amazing 3D Cars in Photoshop
This online car drawing tutorial is teaching how to render amazing looking 3 Dimensional cars in Photoshop fast and easy. This is a video based program with over 4.5 hours of tutorial. If you want to learn 3d car drawing like the professionals, you can try this risk free and learn drawing cars digitally using Photoshop.

Tutorial #3: Quick Start Guide: How To Draw An Awesome Car In Under 30 Minutes
This car drawing tutorial teaches the pro tips to draw any car in under 30 minutes. This is a free ebook which comes together with How To Draw Cars Fast and Easy ebook. You will be able to watch how a pro car designer quickly and easily complete a perfect drawing step-by-step.

Tutorial #4: Wheel Magic Tutorial: How To Draw Perfect Wheels Each And Every Time
Inside this step by step car drawing tutorial, you will learn about the trickiest aspect of car drawing; the wheels in perspective. You will learn how to use a basic understanding of perspective theory which will help you to draw perfect wheels easily and quickly.

This in-depth tutorial is about the trickiest aspect of car drawings wheels in perspective. Drawing wheels in perspective is the most important thing which separates the amateurs from the pros. With the help of this tutorial you can learn how to draw perfect wheels quickly and easily without needing to guess if you have drawn it right or not.

Get Paid To Draw 3 Tips To Get Money For Your Drawing

Many people have been talking about how they can make money online recently but most did not know to start. With the help of this article you will learn how to make huge money with your drawing. Get paid draw is also a great site that can help you with your drawing and you will never know what you are missing by not using this site.

You can be making serious money with your painting, drawing and pictures. I know that by reading this article you will see what you can be making with your drawing and painting.

1. Do you know how to draw and sketch?
There are many people who are talented with drawing and we also have people who are photographers but these people are to making enough money with their talent which I believe is not good enough. Maybe because most people doesnt see that work as something great thats why most are not willing to go to that profession any more. Now, the case is different artist are not capable of making more money at home because webmaster need their drawing and pictures on their sites. So why not start making money online today! And if you think you dont have the talent never mind because with get paid to draw, you quickly learn how to draw like a professional and started making huge amount of money with your drawing.

2. Do you know how to Painting
Beautiful painting is attractive to the eyes. If you see a building with a great pattern, you never appreciate it without painting. And if you know how paint a picture then you are on way to make money like never before. You can be making thousand of dollar for just a single painting go to my website to see for yourself. There is nothing that attracts people to the site but beautiful pictures and beautiful painting and drawing.

3. Are you a Photographer?
If you can take photograph with your digital camera or your hand set then you be making millions of dollar online. We all know that picture is worth thousands of words on a site. If that should be the case then pictures are selling fast on the internet. So if you have camera at home why complaining that youre broke and why are you complain that you dont have money with you when you can just take pictures of beautiful building and funny object around you and make thousands of dollars. I told my friend this secret and before I knew it had make $3000 dollar with a single and funny picture. So is your turn to make money with your pictures.

Maybe you dont know these secrets that millions of websites owners are eager to buy pictures, drawings and beautiful paintings from you today quickly click here for a surprise. You dont have to be complaining about money again if you can make money with simple drawing and pictures with your digital camera or digital camera on your phone. And if you are serious about making money with drawing and pictures go to

Guidelines For Pencil Portrait Drawing – Sketching Kids

The drawing of kids demands freshness and directness of purpose. Unfortunately, there are not too many quick and ready rules. Let us just say that kids’ portraits demand a sharp and patient eye.

For those who intend to do commercial portraiture the good news is that kids’ portraits can be rewarding. There are very few draftspersons who can competently render kids.

Soft lighting works best for portraits of kids. The child could be looking toward a intense light source. This sort of light source will illuminate the child’s face and create an introspective facial appearance. The tone range goes from light to medium with the eyes really dark.

Addressing the facial proportions of kids in a general sense is somewhat of a waste of time. Their facial proportions change dramatically within a time span of six month.

Suffice it to say that the younger the child is the smaller the face in relation to the skull. The eyes also appear larger although this can be deceiving. A child’s nose can be very difficult to render – there is nothing really to latch onto. And the mouth is very about the width of an eye. Again, we must stress that these proportions are only a broad rule and individual face proportions can be different. The above broad rules can be made use of for comparison purposes when you do your own careful observations of a particular face.

As always, start your rendering by striking the arabesque and then correcting the height/width proportions as necessary.

After establishing the primary facial proportions (i.e., the brow, nose, mouth, etc.) block-in the major light/dark patterns. Then, stump down the graphite using your fingers or a stump. To render and re-shape the lights employ a clean putty eraser.

Now the features are carefully placed, measured and partially rendered. There are two things to remember here:

1. Your pencils must be real sharp, and

2. At this stage, you should never fully complete a feature. Render each feature no more than 50%.

As soon as the features are sized and placed as best you can, you can now further develop them. Do not neglect the hair and sides of the face. Everything should be advanced together. As you continue to render you should always be on the lookout for mistakes in proportions and tone.

In closing, the fundamental procedures made use of to render a child’s portrait are of course always the same. Above, we listed most of the differences in size and shape between an adult skull and that of a child. Your frame of mind when drawing a child should be one that reflects the innocence and the softness of a child.

Visual drawing system to make Web files

For Immediate Release

Contact: Sergei Menkov, , , >

Sergei Gmbh announces Magnificent Internet Site Preparation Pa

Tallinn, Estonia, 2 March 2011 – Sergei Gmbh has published new product – Visual drawing system to make Web files.

Resolution-independent vector objects may be transformed without loss of quality. The filling gradients and patterns allow to produce interactive distortions with remarkable vision.

Resolution-free vector objects allow for fast creation graphics which can be transformed with no loss of quality. You can move and change its attributes over and over again when maintaining its original clarity and juiciness without affecting other objects in the artwork. Any sprite can be created with multiple live distortions. Live effects are fully editable. If you develop any adjust to the sprite, the effect automatically updates. You may add shadow to layer, create it glow, draw it with transparency and much more.

The program has easy-to-use instruments to prepare never seen rollover buttons. Creates necessary pictures and Java script.

Contains instruments to publish your website, design forms, and develop internet albums. Verify broken URLs with the software, and post your pages to search engines. Has group command executer, ready-to-use Java Scripts.

AVAILABILITY Magnificent Internet Site Preparation Pa program can be acquired free of charge at the Sergei Gmbh site at:

ABOUT SERGEI GMBH Founded in January 2011, Sergei Gmbh designs applications to visual drawing tool to make web sites

For more data on the company and its services please visit its online site at
