Let Your Drawing Respond Faster In Zwcad

Processing speed of CAD software is one of the most concerned issues of every user. Fast speed can be achieved directly by either software or hardware upgrade. In case of ordinary PC configuration, how can we further raise the speed even without software update? Here are some tips:

1. If you frequently specify the color or linetype for certain entities instead of using Bylayer or Byblock features, data will increase dramatically in the drawing, and it will take more time to process these data. It is suggested to create adequate and appropriate layers to which entities of different meanings or properties can be assigned respectively, so that the option of Bylayer and Byblock can help to reduce the amount of data stored.

2. If there are lots of layers in a drawing, some of which contain complicated entities seldom used, then you can freeze these layers, so that they would not regenerate with other layers, and result in processing time saving.

3. Hatch (Fill) is a kind of entity occupying much RAM. Too much hatches would significantly drag down the processing speed. To maintain high speed:
(1) Do the hatching at the last step, so that there are no hatches affecting the speed during previous drafting steps.
(2) Assign all hatches to a single or some specific layers and freeze some or all of them if possible. Then they will not regenerate with other entities.
(3) In the Config dialogue box, select the Display tab and check the option Not display hatch while zooming.

Entities such as Solid, Donut and Trace have another kind of fill. They can be displayed faster by setting OFF for FILLMODE.

4. Text also has influence on the speed of ZOOM, REDRAW and REGEN. Simplifying the display mode of text could help to increase the speed to a large extent.
(1) Use a simple text font during the preliminary drafting work, and then replace this font with desired ones at the final stage when there are no more modifications to other graphic entities.
(2) Use QTEXT to enable quick display of text. After the command is activated, boundary frames of text areas are displayed instead of text themselves.

5. In the case that we have to insert raster images:
(1) Go to the Config dialogue box, select the Display tab and check the option Pan and zoom with raster & OLE, if it is not necessary to view raster images while doing PAN and ZOOM.
(2) Use the command IMAGEQUALITY to choose a low quality display mode, when we don’t need to view images with high quality.

6. When REGENMODE is set as ON, ZWCAD will regenerate graphics automatically after executing some commands. Turning the mode off can help to save the time spent on automatic regeneration of graphics.

7. Entities often turn into dash line type for the purpose of highlighting when they are selected for modification. Sometimes such highlights take lots of time to display. So you can think of closing HIGHLIGHT if necessary.

Not all methods might suit each specific case, but they do help if applied properly. When you get familiar with these features, drafting work could never be a difficulty in terms of speed, and you may find it easy and convenient to use ZWCAD in any situations.

As the flagship product of ZWCAD Software Co., Ltd., ZWCAD is a powerful CAD solution, which is highly compatible with DWG format. ZWCAD meets the needs of broad-based target groups of 2D/3D design industry, including architecture, engineering, construction, mechanics, manufacturing and electronics industries. So far, it has fast become the leading brand in China’s CAD industry and now competes successfully in over 65 countries, with 100,000 users throughout the world.

(C) Copyright 2008 ZWCAD Software Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

As A Man Thinketh – Drawing Power Through Meditation

One of the books that I find myself returning to again and again is James Allen’s As a Man Thinketh. In many ways, Allen’s book was one of the first to draw power from the idea that thought is the most important tool we have to achieving wealth and happiness.

James was a Victorian writer who died before the first World War. Yet despite his short time as a writer, he managed to write a book that changed millions of lives and the path to success.

Born in Leicester, England in 1864, James worked as an administrative assistant and a writer for several years. Unlike many motivational leaders, James defined his success and happiness not in terms of plenty, but in terms of want. His ideal life was one of quiet and peace: inspired by Tolstoy, James lived in voluntary poverty, devoting himself to manual labor and rigid self-discipline whenever possible.

James was also a man of meditation. He realized that the in order to focus your thoughts, you have to give them room to grow. So every day he would meditate for an hour, facing the sea. James believed in the innate goodness of all individuals, that we had been given our rationality as a divine gift. He believed that the highest level of moral evolution was when human beings learned that we ought toand cancontrol our thoughts.

In his book As a Man Thinketh, James writes that as a man thinketh in his heart, so he is. Individuals have the power to form their own character and happiness. The outward world is always in harmony with the inner state.

What really impresses me is James’ emphasis on meditation. I developed the 5-Minute Mindset Workout because I believed that success was impossible without constantly taking time to harmonize our thoughts and feelings with our desires. James came to the same conclusion in his bookwhen we realize the power of mediation, he wrote, we experience kinship with nature.

Kinship is another way of saying that we are in complete harmony with nature. But this is not a harmony where we are brought up to nature’s power and influence; it is a power where we bring nature into harmony with OUR power.

The implications of this are huge! The infinite power of the world can be shaped by us into anything we want or need. Whatever the conditions in our life, we can draw specific powers we need, attracting the elements of nature that will bring our happiness and success.

James Allen’s words were revolutionarythey came out during a dark period in English history, where science and religion were at war. James offered a compromisedivine or scientific, what’s important is the individual and his own happiness. It was the promise of a happy man, who had achieved his happiness on his own terms.

Steel Fabrication Drawings- Virtual Assembly Of Steel Connections

Steel fabrication drawing is quite popular term used widely to satisfy the perfect building construction. It is a virtual assembly drawing that include list of part and material to be used in building. Natural disasters are occurring again and again so building stability is the main issue. To get the maximum building stability construction industry is paying more attention on steel connection of building. All the concepts and ideas can be evaluated using steel fabrication drawings. It gives the perfect idea of steel joints and dimension details to be used in building construction.

Steel fabrication drawings have their own importance and allow designers and fabricators to build effective building structure. It is widely used to get the pictorial presentation of building components to be used in building construction. Fabricators can identify how much material will be needed. So in the other manner it saves the cost. Pre fabricated building components like steel elevators, trusses, window and cabinet are widely used to get proper proposed structure. Once the building is completed it is not possible to make changes to satisfy the building stability in manner of steel beam and column connection. So to avoid this fabrication drawing is become the most vital term in construction industry.

The technique is also used to demonstrate important and necessary construction documents. To suggest steel member detail drawings, connection details, anchor plans, column connections and shop bolt summary fabrication drawing is most important factor. Professional steel detailers are also using it widely for maximum output in the term of accurate building construction.

In the construction industry specialize work should be appreciated. To satisfy this purpose reputed organizations have made international standards and codes must be used for steel fabrication drawings. All the steel fabricators and drawing experts are using these standards and codes for accurate drawing purpose.

For the outsourcing purpose it is also become popular term to save time and cost. After invention of CAD it is now become easy to convert handmade sketches in to proper design format.

If you have any query about steel fabrication drawings then just drop an email at [emailprotected]

For more information please visit us at http://www.cadserviceslondon.com/fabrication-shop-drawings.php

Drawing Tips For Beginners Mistakes To Avoid

Have you mastered the pencil art yet? If you are an aspiring artist then you must make sure you learn how to draw from the best place and from the best source. Drawings can be of different types.

An image can be drawn with colors as well as without colors. If you are a beginner then it is always better to start with black and white drawing. If you are capable of mastering the art of black and white drawing then you can surely begin color drawing.

There are lots of people who have a natural talent inside them and draw well. But there are certain things that need to be checked if you have chosen this as your profession. There are various drawing tutorials available these days.

A beginner in this field must always try to choose the best tutorial for himself so that he learns the right procedure to draw. Other than this, there are certain common mistakes which the beginners tend to make. It is very important to make sure that they avoid these mistakes to create a bright future in drawing.

First of all it is important to choose the right kind of pencil for drawing. If you have the tendency to choose hard pencils then make sure you get rid of this habit. Drawing pencils are usually available with grades. It is important to check the grades before you buy a pencil.

You should choose B, 2B and 4B pencils for drawing. This will help you create brighter shades. Secondly the new artists have the tendency to draw pictures from flashy photography. This can be one of the reasons for producing distorted pictures.

It is therefore very important to make sure that you always draw from very natural things and you also need to take care of the background. If you choose a model for drawing then make sure the background of the model gets equal importance.

The third mistake the beginners do is stay away from black. They are not capable of capturing the actual highlight and the actual shade of the image. With the help of the pencil sketches you will be capable of capturing the actual shades of drawing.

To learn the best pencil art you can visit certain websites. These websites are usually made for people who are interested in this art. Other than this, the basic drawing tips can also be of great help.

To learn how to draw you first need to learn the various geometrical shapes. These shapes are usually present in almost all the images. To learn the right pencil art you can also look for some inspiration from the well known artists by visiting the nearby art galleries.

Cartoon Drawing Tips For Kids

Cartoons are fun. Well almost. If you are like me you certainly love to watch cartoon figures. But drawing cartoons is another story particularly if you are not aware of the basics.

If the thought of creating beautiful cartoon characters gives you high, read on, here you will find some tips that you can readily use to improve your skills and reduce the time taken to create beautiful cartoon characters.

There are certain things that are same for every style of drawing, be it realistic drawing or cartoony, now we will go quickly through the basics before getting specific to cartoony style.

1. Select your tools wisely. Clean your hands before starting your drawing. The paper you use for your work should be of good quality. Low grade, off colored paper will make your drawing look pale. Your first sketch should be made with light lines and for finalizing you should use deep-colored and prominent lines –so choose your pencils carefully.

2. Many times beginners find drawing a smooth line difficult. Remember drawing smooth lines will be easier if you do not support your hand on your wrist like we are used to do while writing. Doodling and drawing some circular shapes just before you start will also help you to draw smoothly.

3. Learn to draw facial features and hand carefully. Hands are more difficult. Experts often judge a person’s drawing ability from how well he can draw human hands. So practice drawing hands with care.

4. Study about basic forms and proportions of human body. Learn about basics of human anatomy and various ratios of human figures.

As a cartoon creator you will have certain liberties, you do not need to bind yourself with strict body proportions rules. You can draw four fingered (Thumb + Three) hand that makes your work a bit easier.

But one challenge you will face while drawing cartoons –cartoon characters needs to be more expressive and certainly you have to create this expressiveness with some lines drawn with your pencil.

Keep in mind that three areas of human face that play major role to express emotions are

1. Eyelids (wide open, half closed, almost fully closed etc.),

2. Eyebrows (raised, normal, crooked etc.) and

3. Lips (forming downward bow, upward bow etc.).

Other than these you can also use, hair (properly combed or ruffled), garments (well kept or torn) to create characters that tells a story.

Hope you find this tips useful. Coupled with some practice these tips will help you to take your cartoon drawing skills to a new level. Enjoy the fun of drawing beautiful and expressive cartoon characters.